Tuesday, March 01, 2005

WTF - Yet Another Story About Spunk

Today's WTF entry comes courtesy of the Chicago Sun Times (thanks, BL!). They have a story about this woman, a doctor no less, who has an affair with another doctor. It's a short - lived affair and they pull Monicas, meaning they only have oral sex, meaning this woman did a little stint on her knees. The other doctor, as it turns out, is married and when she finds out, the affair ends. But that's not where the story ends, oh no! The woman conceives this man's child. How is that possible you ask? Well, she didn't swallow. In fact, she was cunning enough to somehow use the guy's load to inseminate herself and conceive his child. The DNA tests prove it's his. And now he's suing her, claiming "her actions robbed him of sleep and caused him to have trouble eating. He is haunted by "feelings of being trapped in a nightmare," court papers state."

Oh, brother. I'm not making this up. This is seriously in the Chicago Sun Times. Just click here to read the entire article. I see a Lifetime movie in the making here!

My absolute favorite part of this whole article is this last little bit:

But the judges agreed with the lower court's decision to dismiss fraud and theft claims against Irons.
They agreed with Irons' lawyers that she didn't steal the sperm.
"She asserts that when plaintiff 'delivered' his sperm, it was a gift-- an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to property from a donor to a donee," the decision said. "There was no agreement that the original deposit would be returned upon request."

I just have 3 words ... what the f*ck???


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